COACHING COURSES - New information for 2020-21!

Coaching Courses for 2020-21

Individuals who are interested in becoming a NCCP (National Coaching Certification Program) certified cross country ski coach will be happy to know that requirements can be met with some online course work and a 2 day workshop.

By completing these two steps an individual will be considered "CC Trained" by Nordiq Canada's standards.

These courses are a great opportunity to learn the ABC's of coaching and the fundamentals of cross country skiing! A club needs a minimum of one ICC/CC trained coach involved to run a Jackrabbit program

So, for the NCCP courses / certification, now what?

FIRST, create a NCCP# in The Locker 

SECOND, register and complete two online courses: 
1) NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport (1 hour); Until Jan 15, the cost has been reduced to $15.  Click here to access.
2) Introduction to Community Coaching (4-5hr) module.  The link will be provided after your complete the first course. 

THIRD, the 2 day workshop:
The next Community Coaching (CC) workshop will be held November 28, 2020 in Whitehorse. This is a hands-on, on-skis, practical course for learning how to teach young kids how to ski. Bring your fun, your skis, food to fuel you, and appropriate clothing for being active outside for the day.  To register, please go to: or contact the course facilitator Brian Horton at for more information.  There may be some pre-course tasks to complete which the instructor will explain.  The fee for this training workshop is being waived for 2020-21.

We are working on identifying another Community Coaching workshop this winter as long as covid restrictions allow.


Yukon Sport and Recreation will reimburse all NCCP coaching fees for this year.  Please submit your receipts to Trevor Twardochleb at or call 867-667-5606 

Thanks so much! Ski on!