Wednesday, 12 December 2018

New online waxing video available from Cross Country Canada!


Cross Country Canada has added another online training resource to its expanding e-learning portfolio, hosted in the Locker (Coaching Association of Canada).

The module will be free for any coaches with Intro to Community Coach training and $12 for any other person interested in improving their waxing skills and knowledge. You don't have to be a coach nor have any NCCP training to do this online waxing clinic!

Friday, 7 December 2018

Skiing is ON in Dawson City!

Skiing is ON in Dawson City! 

Skiing is on in Dawson City! CCY partnered with the ski community in Dawson City and coaching & grooming clinics were facilitated at Minto Park and on the Moose Mountain Trails during the first weekend in December 2018!
Course Facilitator Mike Gladish reported:
"It was a great weekend in Dawson, with plenty of snow and temperatures between -10 and -20. Eight keen skiers came to the morning session at Minto Park, which had been groomed by Martin Kienzler. We spent a lot of time on balance and coordination to build skills for the basic diagonal stride. There were nine participants for the afternoon session on FUNdamentals for ski lessons for kindergarten to Grade 2. We ran through how to teach basic skills like falling and rising, star turns and movement on skis.
On Sunday morning, four volunteer groomers met for an hour to review equipment inventory and improvements needed, then we groomed some of the Moose Mountain trails. Several Dawsonites came for the community ski on Sunday afternoon. The trails were in great condition and the sun peeked out for a few minutes. The chalet was warm and hot chocolate and treats were being served."

CCY would like to thank Cathie Findlay-Brook for her enthusiasm, organizational skills and passion for developing cross country skiing in her community. She really made the weekend happen and encouraged so many people to participate!

CCY would also like to thank Mike Gladish for sharing his knowledge and expertise to help grow the sport of skiing! If you have the chance to learn from Mike you should jump on it! 

If you have skiing momentum going in your community and would like help to grow it, please contact Kristenn at Ski on!

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Cross Country Canada seeks input (from YOU!)

Cross Country Canada Seeks Input 

(From YOU!)

Cross Country Canada (our National Sport Governing Body) reports that they need to change, revitalize, and move in a new direction. Therefore they are looking for input from the entire skiing community via this short survey. CCC says "Please help us revitalize and define this wonderful Canadian sport by being part of this next step."

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Don Sumanik Races December 1st and 2nd

Thinking about racing? Got athletes interested in racing? Feel like checking it out? 

The Don Sumanik Races are scheduled for December 1st (skate) and 2nd (classic), 2018 at the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club. 

Everyone is welcome. Races for ages 4y and up! Everyone is welcome. 

If you aren't sure where you would fit in, or if you would like more information about the race format, distance, categories or other details please contact Cross Country Yukon.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Coaching refresher session Sunday Nov 11th!

Cross Country Yukon would like to invite coaches to an instructional session with visiting instructor Stephen Novosad from Cross Country Canada. 

The informal session is scheduled for this Sunday Nov 11th 1:30 - 3pm at the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club stadium. 
The 1.5hrs will be spent on-skis and is open to coaches from Yukon ski clubs and programs. 

Stephen Novosad is the Technical Coordinator of Coaching Development for Cross Country Canada, he is visiting Whitehorse to provide a variety workshops and clinics for Cross Country Yukon's ski team athletes, coaches and club coaches. We feel lucky that he's got time in his schedule to offer great opportunities like this one! 

Please consider taking advantage of this wonderful (and FREE) opportunity if you will be in Whitehorse this weekend and want to refresh your coaching ideas prior to the season start! 

Please contact me as soon as possible if you would like to attend.

p.s My apologies for the short notice, the opportunity for this session with Stephen just arose. I know travel on short notice will not be feasible for coaches from distant communities, but just in case you are in town, I wanted to share the opportunity! 

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

What's New?

Hello Communities!

A quick update to let you know what's happening around the territory! If you would like additional information on any of these topics please ask. If I have missed anything, or if you have an update to add, please let me know.

  • A NCCP coaching course (Community Coaching Workshop) will be held on November 17th in Whitehorse. 
  • A community visit to Dawson City will be happening in early December. The primary focus of the weekend will be training new volunteers who will be coaching kids and teaching skills and games on skis. You don't have to be from Dawson to attend - please let me know if you would like more information.
  • Mt. Lorne, Marsh Lake and Whitehorse clubs have Bunnyrabbit/Jackrabbit Programs ready to go this year with registrations open or opening soon.
  • Kwanlin Koyotes Youth Ski Club skill development program will run weekly after school on Wednesdays starting Nov 28th.
  • CCY events list for the season is up on the main CCY website - we encourage everyone to attend events. 

Monday, 29 October 2018

Self Insured Affiliate Clubs can register online now!

Self-insured community clubs can affiliate with CCY for a $75 fee by clicking here: CCY Community Affiliate 18/19 Self Insured

If you are not sure that this is what your club needs this season, please contact the CCY Community Programmer at

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Introducing your CCY Community Programmer for the 2018/2019 Season

Hi! My name is Kristenn and I am excited to be CCYs Community Programmer for the 2018/2019 season.

This position is new to me, but I am not new to cross country skiing. I am a skier myself, a former competitive athlete and I plan to be active for life, daily! I will be working part-time for Cross Country Yukon in Whitehorse doing administrative work, including the Community Programmer role.

I hope to have a chance to help you and your Yukon community maintain or build a cross country ski program. My goal is to help connect you to resources available through CCY (Cross Country Yukon) and CCC (Cross Country Canada).

Please feel free to contact me, Kristenn Magnusson, anytime at