Skiing is ON in Dawson City!
Skiing is on in Dawson City! CCY partnered with the ski community in Dawson City and coaching & grooming clinics were facilitated at Minto Park and on the Moose Mountain Trails during the first weekend in December 2018!
Course Facilitator Mike Gladish reported:
"It was a great weekend in Dawson, with plenty of snow and temperatures between -10 and -20. Eight keen skiers came to the morning session at Minto Park, which had been groomed by Martin Kienzler. We spent a lot of time on balance and coordination to build skills for the basic diagonal stride. There were nine participants for the afternoon session on FUNdamentals for ski lessons for kindergarten to Grade 2. We ran through how to teach basic skills like falling and rising, star turns and movement on skis.
On Sunday morning, four volunteer groomers met for an hour to review equipment inventory and improvements needed, then we groomed some of the Moose Mountain trails. Several Dawsonites came for the community ski on Sunday afternoon. The trails were in great condition and the sun peeked out for a few minutes. The chalet was warm and hot chocolate and treats were being served."
CCY would like to thank Cathie Findlay-Brook for her enthusiasm, organizational skills and passion for developing cross country skiing in her community. She really made the weekend happen and encouraged so many people to participate!
CCY would also like to thank Mike Gladish for sharing his knowledge and expertise to help grow the sport of skiing! If you have the chance to learn from Mike you should jump on it!
If you have skiing momentum going in your community and would like help to grow it, please contact Kristenn at Ski on!